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Charmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Vote_lcapCharmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Voting_barCharmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Vote_rcap 
Charmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Vote_lcapCharmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Voting_barCharmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Vote_rcap 
Charmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Vote_lcapCharmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Voting_barCharmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Vote_rcap 
Charmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Vote_lcapCharmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Voting_barCharmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Vote_rcap 
Charmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Vote_lcapCharmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Voting_barCharmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Vote_rcap 
Charmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Vote_lcapCharmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Voting_barCharmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Vote_rcap 
Charmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Vote_lcapCharmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Voting_barCharmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Vote_rcap 
Charmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Vote_lcapCharmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Voting_barCharmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Vote_rcap 
Charmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Vote_lcapCharmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Voting_barCharmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Vote_rcap 
Charmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Vote_lcapCharmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Voting_barCharmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Vote_rcap 

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 Charmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style}

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Charmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} Empty
PostSubject: Charmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style}   Charmed Opening Credits{Grey's Anatomy Style} EmptyMon 12 Oct 2009, 8:34 pm

Okay this is my 1st attempt on making an opening credits for was a quite spontaneous decision actually & I chose the style of GREY'S ANATOMY cuz I feel that GA's opening is by far one of the best I've ever seen. I am totally addicted to the show right now...I've just started watching it(better late then never right?! Razz)..all thanks to Stef(Stefanita621) for showing me what an amazing show it is with her beyond amazing GA vids!

Coming to the opening... I know it might sound a lil wierd to some of you cuz GA is a medical show whereas CHARMED is a magical one...but thats what makes it exciting & challanging..that is the reason why I took on this express my love for both the shows in a fun way lol! I tried to follow GA's style as much as possible...with the font, text effects, scene selection & etc..keeping intact with the essence of CHARMED ofcourse...& I think the theme song(which is totally awesome btw) fits perfectly with CHARMED!

For those of you who haven't seen GA's original opening yet..Check it out here: compare with my one & tell me if I was close enough or not. I honestly have no clue if its good or not but I still hope you will enjoy it Smile
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