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Brian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Vote_lcapBrian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Voting_barBrian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Vote_rcap 
Brian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Vote_lcapBrian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Voting_barBrian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Vote_rcap 
Brian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Vote_lcapBrian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Voting_barBrian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Vote_rcap 
Brian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Vote_lcapBrian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Voting_barBrian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Vote_rcap 
Brian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Vote_lcapBrian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Voting_barBrian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Vote_rcap 
Brian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Vote_lcapBrian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Voting_barBrian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Vote_rcap 
Brian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Vote_lcapBrian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Voting_barBrian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Vote_rcap 
Brian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Vote_lcapBrian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Voting_barBrian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Vote_rcap 
Brian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Vote_lcapBrian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Voting_barBrian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Vote_rcap 
Brian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Vote_lcapBrian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Voting_barBrian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Vote_rcap 

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 Brian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009)

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Number of posts : 683
Age : 34
Location : Dhaka, Bangladesh
Registration date : 2008-10-19

Brian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Empty
PostSubject: Brian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009)   Brian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) EmptyFri 22 May 2009, 9:42 pm

Hey guys Very Happy

I recently found all the clips of Brian's guest appearence on "Acme This Week" & uploaded them in my channel. He did 8 comedy sketches on the show so I had to upload the videos in 4 parts every part contains 2 sketches each.

Brian is absolutely HILARIOUS!!!

Enjoy! Cool

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

On January 10th, 2009 - Brian Krause hosted & performed on the popular live sketch comedy show "Acme This Week" @ The Acme Comedy Theatre. Starring the ACME Company, the top-level sketch comedy troupe, whose signature show features brand new sketches plus a celebrity guest host each Saturday! Just like your favorite sketch comedy TV show, the actors write and rehearse during the week and perform their new material on Saturday nights. Always fresh; always topical; always NEW. Check out "ACME This Week!"
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Number of posts : 462
Location : Alaska, USA
Registration date : 2008-10-19

Brian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009)   Brian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) EmptySat 23 May 2009, 4:00 am

He is just too funny (hehehehe)....I love the re-Charmed..."pickles" (hehehehe), and you imagine...and the one with him & the sign, but my fav is him & the pooch (OHHH SOOO FUNNY)!!!

Thanks for the share Tasha!
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Number of posts : 683
Age : 34
Location : Dhaka, Bangladesh
Registration date : 2008-10-19

Brian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009)   Brian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) EmptySat 23 May 2009, 9:48 am

Oh don't mention it Sis Smile

Yeah exactly he's too funny lol...I love all the sketches...the ones you mentioned & the onw with the pooch is my fav too but my most fav has to be the carpooling one...OMG BK singing "All the single ladies" & dancing with "I'm too sexy"...that was just hilarious!

Yep you found the "Re-Charmed" sketch funny right?... with the Pickles & everything Laughing .
But I got a comment on that vid from Cute2boot4U92 on youtube...I'm not sure if you remember her she joined us on our previous forum, her name is Danielle...

Anyways this was her comment:
i dont like how they are making fun of charmed. and it wasnt even funny at was actually incredibly stupid ! but i watched for brian...he's such a cutie...thanks for the upload

Honestly I didn't like her comment about the sketches being "incredibly stupid" cuz first of all its comedy & it should be taken light heartedly...& second they weren't really making fun of "Charmed" or any of the characters...I mean they just created some new characters to make it a funny sketch...they didn't mean any disrespect to the show...Brian was there & if he thought the sketches were offensive then he wouldn't have done them in the first place right?
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Number of posts : 462
Location : Alaska, USA
Registration date : 2008-10-19

Brian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009)   Brian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) EmptySat 23 May 2009, 11:00 am

Well here's my take on it! I agree, that Brian probably would not have gone through it if the sketch would have appeared to be in any way demeaning to the original show...I mean, the sketch was called "RE-charmed" and I thought it was a funny sketch. I think Cute probably is a little too sensitive because she, like all of us, are true fans of Charmed and that was her way of defending the original show....

I mean ...the power of 3...and "pickles" is the funny name they chose because it begins with a P....its just plain ole humor...I don't think they were making fun of the original actresses, do you?
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Number of posts : 683
Age : 34
Location : Dhaka, Bangladesh
Registration date : 2008-10-19

Brian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009)   Brian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) EmptySat 23 May 2009, 11:11 am

No, not at Brian's character mentioned on the sketch...
"There was nobody like this on Charmed"...& the Director guy said, "But this is Re-Charmed right? Its a different story, different telling..." so no they didn't intend to make fun of any of the women on Charmed.
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PostSubject: Re: Brian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009)   Brian Krause On Acme This Week(January 10th, 2009) Empty

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