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Brian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Vote_lcapBrian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Voting_barBrian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Vote_rcap 
Brian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Vote_lcapBrian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Voting_barBrian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Vote_rcap 
Brian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Vote_lcapBrian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Voting_barBrian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Vote_rcap 
Brian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Vote_lcapBrian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Voting_barBrian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Vote_rcap 
Brian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Vote_lcapBrian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Voting_barBrian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Vote_rcap 
Brian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Vote_lcapBrian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Voting_barBrian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Vote_rcap 
Brian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Vote_lcapBrian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Voting_barBrian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Vote_rcap 
Brian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Vote_lcapBrian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Voting_barBrian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Vote_rcap 
Brian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Vote_lcapBrian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Voting_barBrian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Vote_rcap 
Brian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Vote_lcapBrian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Voting_barBrian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Vote_rcap 

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 Brian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009!

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Number of posts : 683
Age : 34
Location : Dhaka, Bangladesh
Registration date : 2008-10-19

Brian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Empty
PostSubject: Brian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009!   Brian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! EmptySun 23 Aug 2009, 12:50 am

This video contains 2 exclusive clips from "The Gods of Circumstance"

On May 8th, 2009 Brian Krause won the BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR AWARD at The British Film Festival LA 2009 for his outstanding performance as Jim Jeff Jones in "The Gods Of Circumstance".

"The Gods of Circumstance" had its world premiere as the opening film for the British Film Festival in Los Angeles on May 3rd, 2009. The film got rave reviews especially in the acting arena & infact stole all three top acting awards at the Awards Gala on May 8th, 2009 which included John Schneider as Best Actor, Cate Cohen as Best Actress & last but not the least our Brian Krause as Best Supporting Actor.
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Number of posts : 462
Location : Alaska, USA
Registration date : 2008-10-19

Brian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009!   Brian Krause Wins Best Supporting Actor Award @ The British FIlm Festival LA 2009! EmptySun 23 Aug 2009, 6:26 am

As he says himself.....

He is "IMPERVIOUS" ....nothing can stop him.....

U go Brian!!!!! Dance&scream

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